In order to support our diverse arts, educational and outreach programming across Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, we are committed to providing theatre training scholarships to underserved youth and adults. Because of this, Piven Theatre Workshop provides vital arts education to all students who wish to enroll. As a result, low-income applicants are awarded scholarships 100% of the time. We award over $50,000 annually in theatre training scholarships.
The theatre arts encourage the development of such valuable skills as creative expression, critical thinking, reading, comprehension, innovation, imagination, collaboration, and effective verbal and non-verbal communication. Piven Theatre Workshop’s focus on text and creative play contributes to reaching the whole individual and developing each of these skills regardless of their capacity to pay.
In addition, many of our scholarships are awarded in theatre community partnerships across Evanston and Chicago like our EPICC program with women in maximum security in the Cook County Jail system and our PEEP program, engaging adults with developmental delays.
To apply for a theatre training scholarship, please fill out this form and email it to with the subject line “Scholarship Application” or send it to Piven Theatre Workshop, 927 Noyes St, Suite 104, Evanston, IL 60201. Scholarship applications can take up to two weeks to process, so please take the first date of your desired theatre classes into consideration when applying.
Piven Theatre Workshop
927 Noyes street #110
Evanston, IL 60201
To whom it may concern,
I am writing this statement to apply for a scholarship/extension to take classes at Piven Theatre Workshop. When I first applied for a scholarship nearly a year ago, I was scared. I was full of self-doubt. I didn’t know what to expect. Truthfully, I didn’t think I’d even be considered. To my amazement I was, but my fear didn’t go away. I remember arriving to class on the first day. My mouth was dry. My stomach was in knots. My knees were practically knocking together as I walked into the room. I thought, any minute they’re going to tell me to leave or that I don’t belong. They’re going to tell me that I don’t deserve to be here. Of course that didn’t happen. Instead, I was taught how to play Pass the Clap. My anxiety seemed to get lost in the focus of keeping the game going. Every class I felt less and less apprehensive till finally it was all I looked forward to. Piven introduced me to a safe space where I was encouraged to push myself and play with ideas I didn’t even realize I had. My classmates were from all walks of life and backgrounds and I’ve made some lasting friendships. My instructors changed the way I see myself and in turn how I see everything around me.
It may seem over the top that just by taking a few theatre classes I’m a completely different person. Of course I’m not. I still struggle with anxiety and identity. I still sometimes have to push myself and remind myself that I belong or am good enough. But after performing monologues in front of my class, the moment my instructor said to me, “You can play this role,” my life did change. The scared Pakistani girl before Piven would never have thought it possible to be an actor. Now I can confidently say I’m starting to finally find my voice all because of a generous opportunity given to me by a Piven scholarship. To be able to continue at Piven would allow me to explore this new world that has been opened up for me. It would truly mean everything to me to do so.
Thank you.
Saman Awan