847-866-8049 info@piventheatre.org

Young People’s Company

The most advanced program Piven offers to our youth performers in 9th–12th grades, Young People’s Company has a long history of seeing outstanding performers and artists emerge from its folds. After an intensive training and rehearsal process, YPC’s annual week-long festival of world premiere story theatre adaptations explores myths, folk tales, fairytales, and modern short stories and is consistently among the highlights of our theatrical season.

Young People’s Company members typically study with Piven for several years before being invited to join this elite ensemble. Company members are adept in all of the skills that Piven trains actors to value: they are dynamic, surprising performers who are sensitive to the emotional needs of the stories they share with our audiences. Company members are sophisticated communicators who confidently share their voices and take bold risks while simultaneously honoring the voices of their fellow ensemble members.

Many Young People’s Company members go on to pursue studies and careers in the arts, often coming back to the Workshop as teachers to share their passion with the next generation of theatre makers. All YPC alumni are valued members of the Piven family, who take into the community lives enriched by the Workshop’s emphasis on the deepest personal expression through focus on the communal experience that is theatre.

“As a 9 year old or a 16 year old, I was always treated like an artist … Never qualified or diminished … I often run into former ‘Pivenites” and even though we may never have worked together we have touched the same warmth and are therefore linked.”
Michael Stock

Alum / Actor