847-866-8049 info@piventheatre.org

Summer Classes
for Adults

Improvisation, Games, and Risk-Taking

Tuesdays, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

July 9 to August 13



Want to know what Piven is all about? Are you interested in getting into a theater class, shaking off the dust, and activating your creativity? This class allows students to discover the Piven Technique by learning theatre games and improvisation in a fun, supportive, ensemble-based environment. Perfect for all students looking to discover and re-discover our work!

Taught by Senior Teacher, Robin Chaplik

Improv and On Camera Technique: Getting Comfortable On Camera!

Thursdays, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

July 11 to August 15


Learn how to present your authentic self when the camera is on you! These days, camera skills are used in so many aspects of our lives–whether it’s for work, group meetings on Zoom, interviews, auditions, vlogging or Tik Tok! Take your communication skills to the next level and increase your comfort level to find your own voice on camera.

Taught by Carmella Riley